Firko |
Memories of Bimbo
by Firko #53
“The greatest thing a man can do in this world is to make the most possible out of the stuff that has been given to him. This is success and there is no other”.
Orrison Swett Marden |
Nobody could ever accuse Jim Pomeroy of not making the most out of what had been given him. His success in motocross is a testament to the ability and tenacity that lived within. The Pomeroy legend began with that famous win in the 1973 Spanish 250 Grand Prix and will remain for as long as our sports history is discussed. It was however, another facet of Jim Pomeroy that will leave a lasting legacy to all who were lucky to meet him. Jim Pomeroy was a truly beautiful human being who touched the lives of people everywhere. Following are some random memories of him as a man rather than as a racer.
* I first met Jim Pomeroy at the 1994 Sandhill Ranch, California AHRMA National. I was the guest of Rick Doughty who after the races fired up his blender and started pumping out the Margaritas for all and sundry. The whine of the little two stroke blender acted as a magnet and we pretty soon had a captive audience which included Jim Pomeroy and his brother Ron and their hometown buddy, ex Can-Am factory rider Buck Murphy. Over what seemed to be a bucket load of Doughty’s potent Margaritas we discussed Bultacos, Aussie beer and all sorts of stuff for what seemed like hours. Not once did the conversation become a “Gee, wasn’t I great” Jimfest. He was as ordinary as your suburban plumber, yet to me it was like an audience with the Pope.
* Ten years later in 2004, VMX publisher the late Ray Ryan promoted the now legendary Classic Dirt 3 vintage dirt bike rally at Barrabool, Victoria. Guests of honor were Brad Lackey and Jim Pomeroy and it didn’t take them long to become everybody’s friends.
 Black Betty Port |
We had our pit conveniently next to the beer stall (we ain’t stupid!) and while Jim was visiting the stall for a top up we invited him into our pit for a good Czech Kozel Pilsener and a yarn. Over an hour later he finally left and for the rest of that weekend he greeted all eight of us by our first names and often dropped back for one of those “CZ beers”.
* We had produced a couple of dozen bottles of Black Betty port wine commemorating our friend Alan Jones’ ESO Metisse that we were selling/donating/drinking at Classic Dirt. When we presented Jim with a couple of bottles he became genuinely emotional and with glazed eyes asked “Why would you guys give someone like me something so cool?” As if he needed an answer.
 Jim Pomeroy meets former rival Jimmy Ellis after twenty years |
* Upon meeting former Can-Am factory racer Jimmy Ellis (who has lived in Australia for twenty years) for the first time since the old days… “You look old enough to be my Daddy and you sound like a fucking Limey!”. He then hugged and kissed his old racing buddy.
* While in Australia he was holding riding schools in a number of states. At one school in the mountains at Buladelah it rained so hard that they had to cancel. Rather than travel the four hour trip back to Sydney with no experience all, the students and Jim went back to the Buladelah Pub where he kept them all entertained for hours with his tales of life on the GP circuit. Of course by the time it was time to go they were in no condition to drive so they stayed overnight and continued the Bimbo Show into the wee hours.
* Jim bunked down with racers his whole time in Australia and on one particular sunny Sydney day the some of the boys took him out on Sydney Harbor on local Bultaco racer Budges Marlin boat. After a fine day of drinking beer and doing what irresponsible adults do aboard boats, Jim was challenged to dive off the marlin tower. He did it without flinching. Here is the video to prove it…...
 Jim parties with some of his Sydney mates on board the ironically named ‘Restless’ |
* Jim stayed with one racer at his trendy inner city home that just happened to be next door to a nice little pub. Jim went missing one morning but was eventually found in the bar surrounded by bar staff and local barflys, all mesmerized by his stories of a sport they would otherwise have had no interest in. They loved him.
* When Brad and Lori Lackey had returned to the United States Brad gave Jim a box of “Bad Brad” t shirts to sell for him. Jim took great humor in giving the tees away to anyone and everyone. On board the marlin boat that day, boat owner Budge tried all day to get Jim to sign his newly acquired “Bad Brad” t shirt but to no avail. Eventually after a a bit more persistence Jim weakened and grabbed a felt marker pen. On the back of Budges t shirt Jim wrote the message…. “Brad Lackey, ‘Who the fuck is he?’”
There are of course many more stories. Everybody who met him will have warm recollections of meeting the man for the rest of their lives. Jim Pomeroy blessed our lives more than he would ever have imagined but according to him his life was also enriched by us, the vintage motocross public.
Jim spoke of when he had his horrific car accident in Hawaii all of those years ago the doctors told him that he would never ride again. Ten years later he proved them wrong and came back to participate on his beloved Bultacos in AHRMA events. Jim considered his VMX rebirth a huge blessing and was genuinely humbled by his newfound fame. He died a happy and content man.
Thank you Jim Pomeroy for all of the joy you gave us.