VMX Club Profile Klub Kevlar
Sydney, Australia
Klub Kevlar was formed in 2002 to give a particular group of grumpy old fart vintage racing veterans a sense of belonging in the world of new millennium Vintage Motocross.
The name concept came to fruition at the second VMX Classic Dirt event in Kyneton, Victoria during a much earned between ride beer break. While sitting around whining and complaining about the disgraceful state of our beloved modern motocross and the downfall of vintage racing since they started allowing bikes with actual suspension, Freddy Mercury lookalike Alan Jones strolled into our beautifully appointed pit wearing his shiny new black Rickman Kevlar riding pants. Our old New Zealander mate Mike Jolly , ever quick to throw a sexual innuendo hardball, accused Alan of looking like a gay street crawler cruising for some tough boy leather bar action in his lovely black race pants. Alan quickly retaliated that he was actually looking for a Kevlar Bar. We all had a bit of a laugh, took another sip of Kozel and before the bottles were empty, Klub Kevlar was born.
 Alan "Freddy" Jones debuts his shiny new Kevlar pants and the legendary Black Betty ESO Metisse at CD2 |
By the time the next Classic Dirt had arrived Klub Kevlar had achieved cult status and a sponsor in the guise of Australian distributors for Czech Kozel Lager who supplied us with copious amounts of beer, Beach umbrellas, table cloths (?) and a shitload of beer coasters and bottle openers which were passed out to an envious passing vintage crowd. The Klub Kevlar legend further grew when stickers began appearing on race track women's toilets bearing the legend “WOMEN AND BULTACO RIDING NANCY BOYS” which VMX publisher Ray Ryan attributed to Klub Kevlar in an issue of the magazine. By the time Classic Dirt three had come around Klub Kevlars status as Vintage racings premier group of beer swilling old farts and our pit, christened the Kevlar Kompound has become party central.
Membership is extremely limited and you can only get in if we like you and you can only get out if you die. To date, the only member who has achieved both of those milestones is our first American member, the late, great Jim Pomeroy. We hadn't planned on opening membership to 'foreigners' but Pomeroy had such a good time in the Kevlar Kompound at CD3 that he actually pleaded with us to join. How could we refuse him? His place as the token American in the Klub has now been taken by Michael 'Mikey' McCook whom we initiated during his recent whistle stop Aussie tour. Our other non Australian member is our foreign policy delegate, Mike Jolly from Auckland, New Zealand who was our first president and is coordinator of our NZ headquarters, legendary topless titty bar, the Mermaid Lounge in Auckland.
Our goal as a klub is to set new standards in political incorrectness and to offend as many shiny bike purists as we can with our cool hot rod vintage bikes and to create an ambience of fun and frivolity in a sport that sometimes takes itself far too seriously.
The current membership is:
Mark 'Firko' Firkin: Maico 350 , Hindall Ducati, Hindall Kawasaki F31M, Cheney Yamaha 360, 250 Yamaha Metisse and the worlds only Maico trials bike.
Mike Jolly: Honda XL 250 powered Maico, Suzuki DR400, BSA B44.
Bernie 'Bacon Boy' Ellis: '81 490 Maico, '72 Suzuki TM250
Chris Ellis: HL Yamaha, Elstar Yamaha 500, ESO speedway
P.J. Read: Ariel HS500, Carabela 200mx, Saipan GTR-X Read Replica 360
Edgar 'Fast Eddie' Phipps: ESO Metisse, Triumph Metisse, TRIBSA and a shitload of Maicos.
Peter Rowland: Yamaha MX250 powered Maico, Bultaco Pursang Mk4, Bultaco Astro
Rodney 'Jake' Jacobson: Yamaha YZ G 125, 250, 400
Alan 'Freddy' Jones: ESO Metisse, B44 BSA Metisse, Honda 125 Metisse, Cheney Matchless, CCM, BSA B50, Hagon Yamaha Monocoque 500, American Eagle 250.
Michael McCook: A shed full of Yamahas and a Suzuki or 3
Bill Forsyth: VMX photographer extraordinaire, Montesa Cota.
The Kevlar Kompound at Classic Dirt Five |